Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Thought

Use what talents you possess:
The woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there
except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Love both the quote and the photo of the bird! You get the best pics of the little guys!
I can't even get my parakeets to cooperate!
Have a great week!!!


Marlene said...

Audrey that is a great photo, I must get a camera with a better zoom lens. Everytime I try to get a photo of the birds in my yard they split!

audrey said...

Thanks, Anne. The poor birds are sick to death of me taking pictures of them. I'm sure they're thinking "Oh no! Here she comes AGAIN!" Always in search of that perfect shot, you know!


Thanks, Marlene. I used to have the same problem until I got my new camera. I still have to enlarge and crop, but I get much better closeups without scareing the birds away.

Diva Kreszl said...

this has always been one of my favorite quotes :) we certainly need to embrace our gifts and not to be fearful of comparing ourselves to others!

Jan said...

Great quote and fun photo. I think the birds need to just hold still for you as a reward for all the food you give them.

Emelie said...

Yes your right I beleive in sharing talent, giving of ones time to others so they can experience joy of creating things also. In your previous post you talk about caring about others.
Really high school should have a class about eye contact, listening, appreciating, what others have to say.

I did experience this, I was a home visitor for 20 yrs. The goals were better parenting, visits were one or two hours, sometimes I didn't get to say hardly a thing,
but people said they felt better when I did visits, it is because
I came with no added problems, just to hear and understand, validate who they were and what they wanted from their family life.

It is good to be reminded and your blog adds reminders that we don't always acknowledge in some other reading we may have done in our day. You have a quiet artful message.

When I leave the computer room and hear your bird song, it could be an open window, nice on days too chilly for an open window.

I think dogwood is the elegant flower.

Debra Keirce said...

Hmmmm.....Quantity over quality? Okay. Our woods are full of squirrels and bunnies these days. If you want to give the birds a break, you could photograph them. Although, I do so enjoy your bird photos!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Audrey,
Great pic and you seem to have captured that little guys expression! "Why are you taking my photo"

Unknown said...

oh what a beautiful quote are so sweet and I really enjoy your inspirational words of wisdom!!! thank you for sharing!!!

audrey said...

I always enjoy your visits ~ thank you for stopping by.

It IS amazing how much seed such little creatures can eat!

I'm happy that you enjoy my nature sounds. I find it very soothing to listen to.

Believe me, I have my own family of squirrels and bunnies to deal with here (and photograph, of course).

Anna Rosa
The birds DO have little expressions on their faces. The robins and bluebirds always look angry.

You are always so complimentary. It is a joy to have you visit.

illustration poetry said...

Dear Audrey,
im sorry for visiting you so late, so much work to do :((
i miss talking to you and Ces
i will visit you later ok.

just stopping by to wish you a lovely day (whatever the time it is there now :D)

kisses hugs,
~little witch.

ps: it's again a beautiful post, you're so thoughtful!
ps2: i want that bird in my secret garden!!!!!