Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
My Love of House Plants
I have always wanted an orchid plant but never purchased one because of the high cost and fear of losing it. About a month ago, the local grocery store had a cart with a few sad looking, half dead orchid plants that were marked down, so I figured why not give it a try. Well, this week my first orchid opened up and there are four more buds getting ready to open. Ah, sweet success. My African violets have been blooming all winter long, so I've had the joy of these few flowers.
I've been seeing robins in the yard for the past two weeks. This has to be a good sign! Yesterday, while sitting at my desk, the starlings suddenly swooped down from somewhere and invaded the front yard. I do believe Spring is near.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tell Your Friends You Love Them

By the way, my brother is doing very well since his heart surgery. He is feeling good and is very happy the entire ordeal is in the past. I am happy to say he is planning to come visit us this Spring.
One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore". No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute". Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you".
So, while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage....and old cars....and children with bad habits and report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.
Some things we keep ~ like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what.
Life is important, like people we know who are special....and so, we keep them close!
Suppose one morning you never wake up ~ do all your friends know you love them? I was thinking....I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said.
Let every one of your friends know you love them.....even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case I'm gone tomorrow,
I love you.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In celebration of the opening of their boutique, the ARTISTIC HALLOWEEN QUEENS are having a Give-Away. The HALLOWEEN QUEENS CASTLE BOUTIQUE will open on March 1. Run over there NOW and follow the instructions to enter the give-away. It is going to be spooktacular!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
An Angel Blessing
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Heavy Hearts

I took this candle from Pam's blog (yoborobo). I don't think she will mind. I've put it in this post to show my support for Renee and for her many dear friends in the blog world.
I read many comments today talking about Renee and how she is entering her final days. Pam posted a beautiful Scottish Blessing that she dedicated to Renee. From all the things I have read, I can see that Renee is a wonderful woman who put a lot of love out there for all of you and you all returned that love to her. I regret that I did not know her. I can see that I missed the opportunity to know someone very special.
Seeing that you all have heavy hearts right now, I simply want to let you know that I care, that I will keep Renee in my prayers, and to remind you that you will always have Renee in your hearts ~ it is obvious that she enriched your lives.
♥ audrey
LOVE IS EVERYWHERE ~ if you open your heart it will hit you smack in the face in many forms and in many people.
HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND ~ if you can see the positive in most things, you will be happy. If you want more ~ go get it.
My experience has been that we make our own happiness.
~ audrey
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Gorgeous Doors
I found these gorgeous doors in Folly Beach, South Carolina. Just a short drive from downtown Charleston, Folly Beach is a fun area filled with good eating places and all the unique shops you usually find in beach towns. These doors are the entrance to TACO BOY, a Mexican restaurant and bar with a fun, eclectic atmosphere. A great atmosphere and great food make for a really good time. Taco Boy's motto is "Skip Siesta, Let's Fiesta!" Easy to do in this place. I LOVE these doors!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Angel Oak Tree
This is the road that takes you back to the park where the Angel Oak Tree lives.

The day before I left Charleston this trip, my son and I drove to Johns Island to see The Angel Oak. The tree is owned by the city of Charleston and it is located on Johns Island ~ it is huge, it is ancient, and estimates of its age run as high as 1500+ years. The Angel Oak Tree is the focal point of a public park, standing 65 feet high, having a diameter of spread reaching 160 feet, a circumference of nearly 25 feet, and it covers 17,100 square feet of ground. Its limbs, the size of tree trunks themselves, are so large and heavy that some of them rest on the ground.
I felt small standing beneath its branches and I was in awe of its age, size and beauty. When in the Charleston area, the Angel Oak is something you should see. I'm glad we made the trip. I love trees and this one I will never forget. You can't really get the feel for it through my photos, but it will give you an idea ~ the tree truly is MAJESTIC!
Monday, February 15, 2010
This snowman head is gigantic. You sure can't miss it when driving down the street. What fun they must have had making this ~ I would have liked to have watched. It is hard to see in the picture, but the nose is one of those small orange road construction cones and the mouth is a bucket. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge and you can see the details better.
As the sun has been shining brightly for a couple of days now, I think the head has probably shrunk a little, so it was probably even bigger. I just came upon it yesterday. I bet most people passing it, stop to get a better look. I love it!! Isn't it grand?
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