Saturday, November 14, 2009


Another oldie from a 1983 issue of
IDEALS Thanksgiving magazine
Photo By: Fred Sieb


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I remember Ideals; mom used to buy that. Always had neat photos in it....I think I remember it most for the pics.
Would LOVE to have that bouquet on my table now. I have a very old, long stemmed chrysanthemum from the south that seldom makes it to bloom. Since it is warm, I am *hoping*......
I should send you a start. It needs support, but in a good environment, would supply lovely purple lacey blossoms for Thanksgiving....


audrey said...

Anne, my mom has over 400 of them ~ she has been collecting them for many years. I have a very small collection, as well. The older ones are very hard to find. They have wonderful photos in them!
Would love a start - I will email pictures of my plant collection someday.

Rikkij said...

Audrey- it's a truly lovely image. have a good weekend. ~rick

readingsully2 said...

This is beautiful.....and I have some beautfiful news for you.

You are the winner of my Monthly Drawing for a $10 gift certificate. Please go to my blog for details.

Congratulations! :)