Saturday, August 11, 2012

Word Verification

A few of you told me that you've been having a problem leaving a comment on my blog, so I decided to turn "word verification" off to see if that might help.  Well, it has only been off for one day and I am already getting spam comments, so back on it goes.  Sorry.  I detest the "prove you're not a robot" phrase and the difficulty in seeing those hidden letters in the box.  But, since we have human beings out there who have nothing better to do with their time than mess with other people's lives, we'll have to deal with "word verification".  Unfortunate? Yes. I am sorry you must deal with this inconvenience.  Please know how very much I appreciate the comments you leave.  You matter to me.
Audrey ♥


Terra said...

Oh dear, let me be the first brave soul to comment and prove I'm not a robot.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, finally, back in. Sorry you got spam so quickly...I am not a robot and I am your friend. xox

Mimi Foxmorton said...

Hear! Hear!

I was doing ok for a bit but sadly, I posted a scarecrow folk art post that was titled Tattie Man. (for tattie bogles) Well......I needn't tell you about the spam that came next. I even changed the title of the post. No help. So, back went the word verification. *sigh*

I wish we didn't have to....but we do......

Have a lovely day!

The Goat Borrower