Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Interesting Visitors

This little guy is a HUMMINGBIRD HAWK MOTH. I have seen them in the yard on many occasions, but thought they were just very large bees. I accidentally came across the name of this little guy while searching for information on the leaf moth below. This guy has a long proboscis which when extended makes him look very much like a hummingbird. When I snapped this photo, he had curled it up. The long proboscis and hovering behavior while feeding on flowers makes him look very much like a small hummingbird.

I couldn't find the name of this moth. I found him on the screen door the other day. I really thought it was a dried up leaf and when I went to flick it off the screen, I realized it wasn't a leaf. I watched him for a while and when he flew off the screen into the grass, I saw that it was a moth. It was interesting to watch him curl up into this leaf form when I got close to him.


Jan said...

These are so cute! I have seen them before (not around here) and mistook them for hummingbirds too. You were quick with the camera on this one! thanks for sharing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I love those! We have them here, but they tend to come out later in the afternoon as the sun is lower. They will fly close and seem to not have much fear of humans.
I've never been lucky enough to capture an image---always w/o camera---but enjoy their visits anyway!
Which reminds me, I don't think I have seen one yet this year, but the monarda is opening and that usually brings them in....


Anonymous said...

I love those hummingbird hawk moths, we have them too. They love my mint blossoms and I see them all summer. They are so cool looking. xox Corrine

Deborah said...

Fabulous shots! At first I couldn't figure out what it was! Love his old cigar look! **kisskiss** Deb