Friday, November 12, 2010


ORANGE is flamboyant, energetic, and vibrant! It's a combination of red and yellow so it shares some common attributes with these colors. It denotes energy, warmth, and the sun. But orange has a bit less intensity or aggression than red, calmed by the cheerfulness of yellow.

As a warm color, orange is a stimulant ~ stimulating the emotions and even the appetite. Orange can be found in nature in the changing leaves of Fall, the setting sun, and the skin of meat and citrus fruit.

Orange brings up images of Autumn leaves, pumpkins, and (in combination with Black) Halloween. It represents the changing seasons so in that sense it is a color on the edge, the color of change between the heat of summer and the cool of winter.

Because orange is also a citrus color, it can conjure up thoughts of Vitamin C and good health.

If you want to get noticed without screaming, consider the color orange ~ it demands attention. The softer oranges, such as peach, are friendlier, more soothing. Peachy oranges are less flamboyant than their redder cousins ~ but still energetic.

In keeping with its transitional appearance in nature, you might use shades of orange to indicate transition or a bridge between two opposing factors.

Orange is often synonymous with Autumn, yet the brighter oranges are a Summer color. Use shades of orange for seasonal-themed Fall or Summer materials.

Orange is mentally stimulating, as well as sociable. Use it to get people thnking or to get them talking.

I've posted some of my Fall photographs depicting shades of orange.
The photo of the oranges is not mine ~ a gift from the internet.
Be sure to click on the photos to get the full impact of the beauty of orange!


Jan said...

Orange is my favorite color, with red being a close second. So I enjoyed every aspect of this post, Audrey. All the photos are so gorgeous and luminous, and the words well chosen. This post might even change the minds of some people who don't like orange. Yes, there are some out there, believe it or not;-)
I was scrolling down, looking at your sidebar and noticed the picture of you as a Cavewoman. Cute!! You are so willowy! Thanks as always for a lovely post.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

WOW!!! What incredible color and photos---I want those leaves! What I am left with (rather rapidly) are mucky brown with the exception of a few weak yellow ones.
The reds and oranges of Autumn make your heart glow warm before the bland of Winter.


PeregrineBlue said...

thank you so much for your kind words on my blog audrey. here i am stopping by yours and envying the trees in your area. i have always loved the colors of the Virginia/Kentucky area of the US where the seasons go through all the hues. Blessings to you too.

illustration poetry said...

have a nice weekend Fairy Fish!!!
im happy cos Grandewitch is not leaving meeeeeeeee

ps: dont leave me ok.

Marlene said...

Your photos are spectacular. This was a wonderful post. I too scrolled down your sidebar, loved seeing the photos of you.

Amanda said...

I'm orangeinally a fan of blue, but with all those beautiful pictures i might have to switch ;) huggs