Friday, September 17, 2010

Recent Guest

Look who is living under my front porch.

I went out there one day this week and happened to look down to see this skinny little guy peering out.

My research tells me he is a "rough green snake", common to the southeast. They can grow to be 30 inches long, but are skinny as pencils. The word "rough" describes their scales, and helps distinguish them from the "smooth green snake", which is found in the northeast.

These shy snakes are not dangerous to people. When I think how many evenings I sat outside on this very stoop......

I think we might be filling in some cracks around the porch so he'll move on to a new home. I think he is rather cute, but my human visitors might not feel that way.


Marion said...

Awww, that's a cute little green snake. He even looks friendly!

It must be snake week. We had a King Snake on our carport, coiled right by the door!! We picked it up and tossed it into the yard since it's a non-poisonous snake. I don't know how it dodged all of our cats. TGIF! Blessings!

Gail H. Ragsdale said...


Jan said...

I understand that many people are afraid of snakes but I'm not one of them. I think he is cute and would be happy to find him under my porch!

gallagherassoc said...

That snake is cute. He will keep the mice from running in the front door of the house.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Okay, I am *NOT* a snake person, but he IS cute! And I am sure is good at nibbling away pests from the plants.
Maybe there could be a little truce called, for this pretty bright green slithery guy??? ;)


Marlene said...

He is cute and as long as I knew he was non-poisonous he could stay, but I have to say I am not a snake fan.

Mike McLaren said...

What a wonderful neighbor, er... housemate... oh whatever she is, she's awesome. Luck you got to see her to take the pictures.

Connie Schwarz said...

oh yes! they're harmless. i been in tennessee all my life and they've been a part of my snake life for as long as i can remember. good for you ! you've had a country cousin come a callin'!

Deborah said...

He would definitely make me scream! Although when my son was at home he had a ball python as a pet and she got sick and we went to the exotic pet doctor and then I had to give her a series of injections for a week! I got very attached to her then. Oh I am a strange one! ♥♥♥ Deb

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