Sunday, April 19, 2015

Feeling Grateful

I've been battling a bad cold since Tuesday,  Even though that seems to be coming to an end, my stomach has been upset for the last couple of days.  Not sure what that's all about.  This afternoon, I had to venture out to pick up a couple of prescriptions and this post is about my drive back home.
After a couple of gorgeous days, today it is raining.  However, because of this rain, everything green is a very deep bright green.  I couldn't help but notice all the little buds of green coming out on all the trees and bushes.  The azalea bushes are flowering and there are still some tulips that haven't wilted and lost their petals.  I was suddenly amazed at all the little things that are happening all around me during this season of Spring.
I drove slowly as I passed the wooded area lining the lane to my home.  I noticed the water bubbling in the stream alongside the road, a groundhog scurrying into his hole, a bunny running very fast across the road, and the rain falling softly making everything glisten with brightness.
I was amazed and happy.  I took a moment and thanked God for all the things He created for our enjoyment.  Just think of each tiny little thing that grows from the earth, the beautiful trees, the flowers, the bushes, the mushrooms and fungi, and even the weeds.  I can't possibly mention each thing.  And then there are the many birds and all the fish in the sea, and the animals on the earth.  He created all these things for US!  I guess the only way I could think to thank Him today was to write this blog post.  
I do notice the earth's beauty that surrounds me every day, but I plan to be even more observant of these things.  It will be my way of telling Him how much I appreciate these gifts.  We take them for granted because they are there.  We need to notice them, care for them, and appreciate them.

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