Monday, May 4, 2020

50 Years ~ May 4, 1970 ~ KSU

 50 years ago today, 4 students were killed and 9 injured when the Ohio National Guard opened fire on a crowd gathered to protest the Vietnam War.  I was outside minutes before  the shooting as I had just returned from lunch.  I went into the Alumni Relations Office where I worked (the building was immediately to the left of this photo).  Minutes later, the shooting took place and we were put on lockdown and not able to leave the office for several hours.  Once they allowed us to leave, I ran all the way to the off campus house where I was living.
The charred remains of the ROTC building in the photo is where I had my Life Drawing classes.  It had been intentionally burned to the ground.
 You can see me standing directly next to the door of the car.  I am looking in the opposite direction of the crowd.
I had planned to attend the 50th year Commemoration, but the Coronavirus caused it to be cancelled.
They will never be forgotten.
Allison Krause
William Schroeder
Sandra Scheuer
Jeffrey Miller
It made headlines everywhere and it was a horrific story.  But, for the students and others who were there on campus that day, the memory, shock, and fear, is etched in our minds always.

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