Friday, January 10, 2014

Dust If You Must

I love this poem.  For one thing, I hate to dust.  It just floats around in the air and comes back down once you leave the room. As soon as you move it around, you breath it and then you have dust on your furniture, in the air, and in your lungs.  It really is better to leave it alone and go have some fun!
I've pretty much felt this way for years, so I was very happy to see it in print.  Thank you, Jane, for posting this on facebook.  I think I'm going to hang it in the kitchen and read it everyday so I don't feel guilty when I don't dust.
Now, I think I'll go paint a picture!


Marion said...

I remember this poem from high school. My boyfriend's mother was always bitching at him and I hand printed this poem for him to give her. Thanks for sharing! xo

Deborah said...

I agree! However, here in the desert it gets REALLY DUSTY!
Hope you are feeling better.


Georgina said...

Love this too, Audrey. I'm with Deb, we desert dwellers deal with more dust, especially when the wind blows and we begin exchanging real estate with other areas, in my case, other states and countries!! LOL

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday afternoon and ignoring that ol' dust!! LOL Take care, dear lady. I'm off to the nursing home in a bit...haven't seen mom since Wed., and I'm missing her.
