Friday, February 1, 2013

A Surprise in the Bitter Cold

On Monday I started Physical Therapy for some neck issues.  This morning my appointment was at 8:00 and it was BITTER cold outside.  For some reason, I did not sleep even one minute last night.  I laid in the bed all night trying to go to sleep... but no luck.  So, I dragged this tired body out the door at 7:30 into the COLD COLD wind.  There was a spattering of snow on the ground and the wind was WICKED!  Much to my delight, there, right in front of my car, was this beautiful form of a heart.  It put a smile on my face and made the trip to the PT Building much more bearable.


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

what a lovely offering of love.....

Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter said...

How strange, but something we don't question for long. Hope your neck feels better soon.

Diary of a Madd Weekly Painter said...

Oh I forgot to ask how your class with JodyOhl is coming along. I wonder if I would like an online class. , Sue

Anonymous said...

Well thats a nice sign from above! xox