I seldom post twice in one day. I am making an exception.
I just watched a video that a friend of mine posted on Facebook this evening.
There are many things taking place these days that are cause for worry. Here is one more. This one is a big one. Literally!
This is the comment I posted after watching the video:
Audrey Gallagher Fish Pfeifer
I was aware of the mass of plastic in the ocean, but I had NO idea it was this large. As one small individual on this earth, I had concerns about the fish in the ocean. How naive of me. This Oceanic Plastic Pollution is WAY beyond what I thought. I listened intently. I cried. I am frightened for the future. I don't know what the answer is, but this information NEEDS to be circulated. I will Blog about it and I will do a better job of recycling. God help us. Thank you, Soke, for posting this information. PLEASE watch this video. If nothing else, it will give you information that you might not be aware of. It opened my eyes to the real problem. I would like to do something. That is why I'm posting this. Have you ever heard of the Pacific Garbage Patch? I'm angry and I have questions. I want to know why plastic water bottles are not banned? Plastic grocery bags? Why isn't recycling mandatory in every city? WHY are we not doing something to prevent this problem from growing? Are there really companies secretly dumping in the ocean? We all know that a lot of money is being wasted by our government on trivial things ~ how can we get our government to spend our money wisely? ie: Are our oceans being policed for illegal dumping? Are there ongoing investigations into how we can get this Garbage Patch cleaned up? Can't we chop all this plastic waste up into tiny pieces and use it for parking lots? We once lived without plastic. We are so spoiled. I'm sure there are answers out there. I need to find them. I could go on, but I'll stop. PLEASE, click on the link and watch the video.