Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Full Buck Moon

Looking at the moon last night in all its brightness and beauty, you could just notice the little sliver that was missing to make it a full moon.
July's full moon rises tomorrow evening.
The Full Buck Moon
July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur.
It was also often called The Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent during this time. Another name for this month's moon was the Full Hay Moon.
Whatever anyone chooses to call it, it is beautiful and mystical. Make sure you take a look at it tomorrow night. You never know what might happen on the night of the full moon.....


gallagherassoc said...

Deer usually feed on the night of a full moon since they can see more redely.

yoborobo said...

I love full moons. Thank you for reminding me it is here! If I can stand to be outside for more than 10 minutes tonight, I will go outside and say hello to it. I hope you are staying cool - xox!

Marlene said...

Gorgeous shot! I will be out tonight and will definitely remember to stop and take notice of the moon.

Amanda said...

i love that picture, reminds me of halloween! it needs a witch on a broom to fly by it :)